Poster Submission

A major feature of the Mind Bytes event is the poster session, designed to enable the exchange of ideas across disciplines and reward researchers' work. The posters should represent research projects that showcase the application of either high-end computing, big data, visualization, or RCC Computational Scientists in research and that leveraged RCC's resources. The RCC will print and display these posters in Ida Noyes Hall during the event. Judges will evaluate posters with respect to its field and the researcher's ability to use RCC computational resources in novel ways.

Mind Bytes Poster Submission Form

You can submit your poster as PDF format with the dimensions 48" wide x 35" high (landscape) and with a pixel density of 200 dpi.

Poster files should be named in the format poster[NAME][DATE], where [NAME] is the lead author's surname and [DATE] is the date of submission in the format MMDDYY

Abstract length is limited to 1000 characters (including spaces). If your abstract is longer, the system will instruct you to reduce the number of characters before you can continue the submission process.

Poster submission will close April 23, 2024 12PM CDT. The RCC will print all posters.

Click Upload to select the file from your computer or, drag & drop file to the upload region (below).

Content: A successful poster will have the following components:
  • Names and contact information for the author(s).
  • A clear and concise title.
  • An abstract/summary, outlining what the poster addresses.
  • Technical description of the presented topic.
  • Results and/or conclusions of the completed work, if applicable.
  • Links to results, code samples, github repos, urls that provide more information, when applicable. We strongly suggest using QR codes to embed and display links.

You may find resources such as this helpful in creating your poster. Ultimately, be creative and expressive, and have fun.


Still have questions?

Call at 773.795.2667
Email us at